I had been wrestling with an idea that was weighing on my mind, causing a bit of a productivity slump. So, I decided to invest a couple of hours in prototyping it, and the relief is palpable! Now, with the prototype in hand, I’m feeling much more energized. However, I’ve also acquired a new project to tackle. And then I thought I can’t be the only one who has this issue, so I decided to do a write up of my process.
Ideas are invaluable and serve as the foundation for virtually everything we create. However, they can also be productivity killers at times. Spending excessive time pondering them, regardless of what else you’re doing, can prove to be a significant distraction. I’ve found myself in this situation numerous times, where I become so absorbed in an idea that I make mistakes while working on other tasks, or find myself ruminating on it even during moments of relaxation or throughout my daily activities. It can be paralyzing; I’ve caught myself just sitting there, lost in thought, only to realize twenty minutes later that I’ve accomplished nothing.
To address this, I’ve adopted a practice of simply prototyping my ideas. As a developer at heart, I personally dive into coding without concern for proper structure, semantics, or standards. Everything ends up messy and uncommented, with no intention of reusability. These prototypes serve solely as a means for me to flesh out the idea. I’ve found that not worrying about the finer details facilitates a more productive process of bringing ideas to fruition while remaining mindful of the time and effort invested.

This approach isn’t exclusive to coding; it can be applied to any medium. Whether you’re writing without regard for structure or rules, drawing with abandon, or engaging in any other creative pursuit, the key is to dive in swiftly and unapologetically embrace the messiness.
The ultimate objective is to materialize your idea in a tangible form of your choosing. By dedicating focused time and energy to it, rather than allowing it to sporadically occupy your thoughts throughout the day, you’re more likely to gain clarity and closure. While the idea may not always materialize as expected, the process of bringing it to life can offer valuable insights. Sometimes, you’ll realize the idea isn’t viable or timely, and that’s perfectly fine. Keep generating new ideas.
However, if an idea continues to occupy your thoughts persistently, despite your attempts to move on, it may signify genuine passion and merit further exploration. While juggling numerous projects and commitments, it’s essential to prioritize accordingly. If an idea consistently captivates your attention, it’s worth allocating additional time and resources to it.
The emotions experienced during rapid prototyping may vary, but each iteration contributes to your growth as a creator. Whether an idea flourishes or is ultimately abandoned, the act of materializing it offers valuable lessons and insights. Embrace the journey, and continue with your day, armed with newfound clarity and perhaps a few less distractions, but always ready to revisit and refine your ideas.